Mark Hazzard
Trail Advisor for Regions 3 & 6
Mark Hazzar is the IASC Office Manager and also trail advisor for Regions 3 & 6
Meghan Naylor
Illinois Snowmobiler Magazine
Meghan Naylor: Illinois Snowmobiler Magazine
Stephanie Steward
Scholarship Chair
Stephanie Steward: Scholarship Chair
Pat Pendergast
SEP Chair
Pat Pendergast: SEP Chair
Bill Brown
Trail Advisor for Regions 4,7,9,10 & 11
Bill Brown is a trail advisor for Regions 4, 7, 9, 10, & 11
Bill Rieke
Trail Advisor for Regions 1, 2, & 5
Bill Rieke is a trail advisor for Region 1, 2, & 5