For more details about “Take a Friend Snowmobiling” week, click here.
Article originally published in Snowgoer A truly unique class of inductees into the racing-focused Snowmobile Hall of Fame has been announced for 2025. It honors legendary racers from such distant places as Alaska, Ontario and Montana from three very different aspects of the sport, plus a truly innovative designer from Quebec whose creations proved to be both game-changing and dominating. …
The American Council of Snowmobile Associations today announced the 2024-2025 No Trespassing Snowmobile Awareness Contest. This Contest will includesnowmobilers of all ages, from the little ones through the experienced riders andwill generate the conversation and awareness of snowmobilers across the U.S. onan issue that impacts snowmobile access. Creating the awareness of the importance of riding where marked will assist theover…
The American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ACSA) scholarship is available to either graduating high school seniors or persons currently enrolled in college or trade school full time (12 semester credits), either physically or online. Scholarships will be given to the winners regardless of other grants or scholarships that the students may also receive. Click here for more details and to…
Important recall information from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) pertaining to Arctic Cat 8000 and 9000 Series Snowmobiles.
From the American Council of Snowmobile Associations Polaris announced the organizations that will receive grants from their $130,000 Grant Program to assist the Snowmobile, ORV and ATV Clubs across the US and Canada. “Riding builds a connection between friends and family and the outdoors, and the impact these clubs and organizations make locally through their grassroots efforts and ingenuity is…
By John Prusak originally published on The world of snowmobiling lost an icon today when Richard “Dick” Decker of Eagle River, Wisconsin, died. He was 92. He lived a life full of energy, passion and enthusiasm. That and his love of the sport that he exhibited in so many ways made him a good friend of mine who I…
Now the season is over, could you please fill out this quick survey for ISMA for the 2023-2024 season? We all ride a little differently each year and this helps us to better serve you next season. ISMA really appreciates you taking a couple of minutes to complete this survey by April 19th! Please share with your fellow club members! Click…
The Illinois Association of Snowmobile Clubs held the drawing for their annual fundraiser on March 12, 2024 at the VFW Hall in Rochelle, IL. Congratulations goes out to all the winner. A Thank you to all the people who purchased tickets and an extra big thank you goes to all the clubs that donated to the fundraiser to help increase…
We recognize that snow conditions may determine your ability to pull out the sleds, but when winter weather truly returns, a full weekend of free snowmobiling Feb. 9-11 is a great way to ignite (or reignite) your love of winter trail riding! Grab your friends and ride 6,000-plus miles of DNR-designated snowmobile trails, public roads and public lands (where authorized). You legally…